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⚒️XertiNet Miner & Validator

XertiNet Miner & Validator: Empowering Validators to Earn XERT Tokens

In the dynamic landscape of blockchain networks, XertiNet Miner & Validator emerges as a gateway for individuals to become validators and reap the rewards of their active participation. Dive into the world of XERT tokens by running a XERT node and contributing to the robustness of the network.

Understanding Validators

Validators stand as pivotal entities within the XERT Network, pivotal for processing and finalizing blocks, ensuring the security and integrity of the entire network. XertiNet Miner & Validator opens the door for anyone meeting the technical prerequisites and staking a sufficient number of tokens, either individually or with the assistance of nominators.

Proof of Work Mechanism

XertiNet Miner & Validator employs the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, a well-established mechanism that requires validators to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks. This consensus mechanism adds an extra layer of security and integrity to the validation process.

Proof of Stake

The XERT network uses the Hybrid mechanism POW/POS, which automatically selects up to 50 validators to participate concurrently based on the amount of XERT staked. Token holders can support validators by staking additional tokens to help selected validators participate in validating for cryptographic blocks mined on the XERT network.

Emission Rewards

Validators are rewarded for their participation in supporting the XERT network by receiving emission rewards. Circa 10M XERT tokens are dedicated to emission rewards which will be released over 15 years . The emission rewards are divided between validators, nominators who have staked tokens for the validators, and the XERT Treasury.

Slashing for Accountability

To maintain accountability and network integrity, XertiNet Miner & Validator employs a slashing mechanism. This punitive action involves the removal of a portion or all XERT tokens staked by validators and their nominators in instances of offline activity or malicious behavior. The severity of the slash penalty is contingent on the nature of the transgression and the number of validators involved.

Technical Requirements for Validation:

Participating as a validator and earning XERT tokens is streamlined, requiring minimal technical resources. XertiNet Miner & Validator stipulates the following prerequisites:

  • 1 or 2 publicly accessible machines

  • Minimum 4 GB of RAM

  • Minimum 50 GB of SSD

  • Bandwidth of 10 Mbps over WAN

Some familiarity with provisioning machines (either cloud or on-prem) and some familiarity with Windows OS and deploy node. XERT currently supports Windows 10 or later.

XertiNet Miner & Validator beckons you to be part of the validator community, contributing to the XERT Network's resilience. Elevate your blockchain journey, earn XERT tokens, and play a key role in the decentralized future. Start your validation journey with XertiNet Miner & Validator now..

Last updated